Why is it good when a woman doesn't answer your calls or texts?


You are texting and calling a woman you're interested in, and everything seems to be going well. However, she suddenly stops responding to you for no apparent reason.Believe it or not, this is a good situation because a woman is giving you the opportunity to choose the kind of relationship you want based on how you respond to her complete disregard for  flirtwith.com your texts and phone calls.In the following few paragraphs, I've written five different responses that you can use in this situation, whether you're looking for a sexual relationship, a commitment, or just a fun date without any strings attached.

Needy Guy Response: Use this response if you're interested in her and looking for a long-term relationship.When you communicate with her via phone or text, responding quickly and being as genuine as possible is the best way to accomplish this.If a woman is serious about you, she may purposely ignore you to see if you will fight for her. Go after her and don't let anything stand in your way.

Playboy Response: If you think she's trying to drag you along, just give up.While pursuing the other fish in the sea, do not even attempt to get in touch with her.She might forget about you if you decide to do this, but she might not.So don't be shocked on the off chance that you receive a message from her half a month after the fact.

Lover Response: This is the best course of action if you are merely seeking a sexual relationship with her.Give her plenty of time to get used to you and don't talk to her for at least a week. When you do talk to her, you should keep it short, sweet, fun, and relaxed.This works because women who don't respond to you in this way usually have egos. When you don't try to flirtwith.com review  fight for them, they usually get frustrated and automatically assume you have other women, which leads them to look into other options if you do.Therefore, don't be surprised if she sends you a message prior to the end of the first week.

Response to a "No Strings Attached" Relationship: If you want a "no strings attached" relationship with her, just text or call her back right away. However, keep the conversation short, sweet, fun, and laid-back, and don't make her feel bad about not going out with you.In general, just have fun with her because doing so demonstrates to her that you don't take her too seriously and that even when you don't get what you want, you still enjoy being around her.This works since you're not beseeching her or showing disappointment.Which will lead her to believe that you have companion girls or that women have generally treated you well.

Friend zone: Just keep texting her while sharing more intimate details about yourself and telling her how much you value her friendship.This is effective because she will assume that you are dating other women and wonder if you are interested in her.Therefore, don't be surprised if, as you try to leave, she suddenly tells you to stay at her place.
