How to Create Massive Sexual Desire and Automatic, Irresistible Attraction

If done correctly, this trick will have some pretty amazing effects.

Fear is one factor that prevents many of us from obtaining the girls and relationships we desire.This may seem obvious, but many men—and many women, for that matter—are actually too afraid to admit they are afraid.

You are aware of what I'm referring to if you are being truthful with yourself.You see a girl, you want to talk to her, and you feel afraid. But you quickly make a stupid excuse to cover up your fear.

She's not my sort.

I don't want to hang out with girls.

I prefer to spend time with my boys.

She's not a "excellent" lady.


A lot of guys believe that they aren't really afraid; they just don't know what to say, aren't in the right "state," or aren't "on" their game.

You probably already know that we all use cognitive dissonance to protect our egos.

In point of fact, a lot of guys and girls will go to great lengths to avoid even admitting to themselves that they are stopped in their tracks by fear.

But if you just admit it, you'll be halfway there.

Anyway, the trick is here.

The majority of guys imagine everything they would do for a girl when they look at her.I mean those sexual dreadful things.

The same guy then feels embarrassed for having these thoughts about two nanoseconds later.

He then imagines, about three nanoseconds later, what Review would happen if she could somehow read his mind and determine what a pervert he is.

It's like a one-two-three punch that simultaneously pulls our minds in three different directions, resulting in a wide range of anxiety.

After that, we finally catch the girl's eye, and she sees us, but only after we've imagined this awful scenario (mostly subconsciously).

She becomes anxious because she "senses" that we are nervous.All of this takes place rapidly and unconsciously.

Anyway, the trick is here.

When you see her, think of all the wonderful activities you would like to do with her and just enjoy them.

Don't turn them down, don't worry about them, or think she'll know what you think about them.

Simply come to a stop and literally compel your brain to maintain that initial impression.Totally appreciate and enjoy that imagination.Avoid hiding from.

Look at her with a smile as you admire her imagination.

As you smile at her, let your imagination and appreciation take over completely.

This may require some practice, but when done correctly, it is jaw-dropping.

for you both.

It will certainly be beneficial to acquire the ability to freely accept one's own thoughts and feelings.

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