Why You Have Cheated On or Lied To Your Spouse

I'm confident in saying that you have cheated on and definitely have lied to your spouse at one time or another. Perhaps it was as recent as today. You will probably never admit it because it's too painful to confront lovinga.com review it but when you get busted it's better to confess it rather than add stress by trying to deny the obvious. So when did you cheat on your spouse?


I know what you are thinking. You are wondering how I know that you have had an affair, if not a physical one perhaps an emotional one. Who is the person you flirt with in your mind? How long does your mind drift off as you see your spouse replaced by the person you have developed an attraction toward?


Don't panic, I won't be getting in touch with your spouse and disclosing your hidden secret. Anyway, believe it or not, your sweet loving and innocent spouse might be cheating on you as well. I know, that's a sick thought right? Now I've really messed with your mind. lovinga.com  OMG, your spouse might be considering entering into a relationship with someone else or may already be in one.


The good news is that it's quite normal to have thoughts about being with other people, on occasion. In some people's minds this is equivalent to cheating on your spouse. Do you consider it cheating when you picture yourself with someone else? A similar question is, what would you think if your spouse confessed to having thoughts about your neighbor? Not that a physical relationship is desired but your spouse just can't stop thinking or dreaming about being intimate with your neighbor. Would it tick you off, make you sick or worry you?


You see, cheating is something that is defined in a relationship by the individuals. It's important for your relationship to be on solid footing so that mental or emotional cheating doesn't turn into a physical affair.


Now that we have established that you have cheated on your spouse, all-be-it, perhaps not emotional or physical but at least mentally, you need to be careful with your relationship. The path to infidelity lovinga is pretty simple and easy to travel down. First you think about being intimate with others, then you start to obsess about it, then before you know it you are emotionally connected with someone and it's too late to turn back at that point.


If you want to avoid an emotional or physical affair spend your time and energy growing closer to your spouse and family.


It's much harder to have an affair when you respect and love your spouse and family and feel that the risk of losing them is too high for a fling.


I won't spend too much time on the lying issue. You began lying when you were about 1 years old. When your parent asked you if needed a diaper change and you said "no", even though you were sagging and smelled like the sewer. OK, maybe that's a little over the top but lying comes naturally. The only hope is that your lies are of a simple nature.


For example, when your spouse sends you a text message asking if you called the cable company and you say yes, even though you hadn't done so yet. You then immediately call them and thus have done what you said you did, even if it was not truthful when you said yes. It just happens sometimes that way.


So why have you cheated on or lied to your spouse? My guess is for one of three reasons.


1. You love your spouse too much to hurt them


2. You no longer care about your spouse


3. Cheating or lying helps keep you happy


There are degrees of cheating as well as lying. Both of them can start off very innocent and quickly snowball and turn disastrous. If you find yourself cheating, regardless of the kind of cheating, I suggest that you take a different path to find your happiness. Misery is in your future if you don't.

